(This is LONG, but please read it, I think you'll be blessed...
and there's a sweet surpise at the end!)
"Open your mouth for the speechless...and plead the cause of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31:8,9
After school begins a whirlwind of events for our family. Today was unlike any other day with many events on the to-do list. The responsibilities of being a teacher was first on the to-do list after school let out; I had car duty, one of my favorite things! (NOT!) I get my boys going on their homework, leave them a snack and a note that says, "I love you...DO YOUR HOMEWORK!" and its off to get the students safely in their warm cars. I rush back to the classroom to check homework, sign planners, and make sure all bases are covered to have them prepared for the next day. Next, we're off to get Lola Joy from her Momaw's. Normally we have a moment to say hello and visit, but today the boys stayed in the car as I rushed in grabbed Lolee, a couple of kisses and it was in the car seat and off to home. (Poor little thing!) In the van I am giving the boys the game plan for when we get to the house to be sure not a minute is wasted as we didn't have any extra time! The boys run in the house, literally drop their things, change for Brennan's basketball game which will be held about 30 minutes away, and we still haven't eaten anything! I run in the house, put Lola in the walker and run around trying to make sure the boys have what they need, make Lola a bottle, and gather the various supplies needed to take a baby anywhere! Today of all days Brennan can't find his uniform. I run upstairs and start pulling things out of his laundry basket. Nothing. Brennan is doing the same thing to Bryson's laundry basket. Nothing. I do a quick scan in the closet. Nothing. This same pattern proceeds. I call Doug frantic and ask if he has any idea where it could be, and of course he doesn't, but I was desperate! After what seems like HOURS of searching and re-searching closets, cars, bags, etc., I look in the laundry room one last time and hanging crisp and clean was Brennan's uniform! AHHH! Finally! Brennan scrambled to get it on as we were finally out the door, off to McD's to scarf dinner in the car, ( I know a nice way to have a family meal), pick up Doug, and GO TO THE GAME! Shew! We arrive at the game on time, actually early as Doug thinks we need to arrive a 1/2 hour in advance only to discover that the other team is forfeiting the game. What???!!! After all that? Oh well, our to-do list wasn't nearly complete, so there wasn't time to complain. We went to Wal-Mart to get gifts for the kids' parties and some other items, visited the Family Christian Stores, and topped off the evening with DUNKIN' DOUGHNUTS! Finally our vehicle was headed home! We got home and hurried the tired boys off to the showers, one upstairs, and one downstairs. It was Doug's night to put Lola Joy to bed, I had boy duty. As I went upstairs and walked into the bathroom, I found Brennan crying. I went into Mommy mode asking what was wrong and giving and playing the guessing game as to what was wrong. "Brennan, are you worried," I asked? "No Mom!" (more crying). "Did you do something wrong?" "No Mom!" I continued with many other guesses. Finally, He said he couldn't tell me. He said he could tell Daddy, but not me. I told him Daddy was putting Lola Joy to bed and that he just needed to tell me. The crying and chin quivering carried on for quite sometime. My heart was breaking and I just wanted to "fix" him and make it all better. I wanted to take away my son's pain. What could it be that could be causing him to cry in this manner? I finally discovered the brokenness and heartbreak my son was experiencing wasn't something a mother can "fix". He painfully let it out. "I'm crying because I feel sorry for people who don't have anything, but I didn't wanna tell you cause I knew you would cry!" (GULP!) With a HUGE FROG in my throat and tears already welling up in my eyes, I said, "I'm not going to cry!" He said, "you already are!" As Brennan and I embraced, we sobbed. Sobbed for the needy, the hungry, the least of these. I told Brennan that during my lunchtime today I was finishing my "Healthy Choice" orange chicken and rice bowl. As I looked at the few grains of rice that were left, I was reminded of the "grains of rice" the boys had been earning playing online games for those to help solve world hunger. I wept. I prayed to God, and wrestled with God, wondering why people have to suffer. Why people have to be hungry while my belly is full. I told Brennan that what he was feeling was COMPASSION. We talked about what we could do for those in need and how God is amongst the needy, and how we could reach out to them. I walked out of the room to let Bryson come in and, of course, Bryson was concerned about why Brenn and and I were crying. At first Brennan was hesitant about telling him, but finally agreed to let me share with Bryson. Well, he immediately began to flow the crocodile tears as well and said, "ME TOO!" He said, "I want to give them all of my money!" Brennan and I cried some more with Bryson. It was a beautiful moment of raw emotion and brokenness. Choking back the tears, we prayed. This was the BEST Christmas present any mother could pray for, and IT DIDN'T cost a thing!!! In the Matthew, God is clear. He states that "whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me!" It is our responsibility to step out of our comfort zones and go! Although today was busy, chaotic, and started out as an ordinary day in our home, it was far from ordinary. In fact, it was extraordinary, and was a day filled with lessons and memories I will carry with me all the days of my life! This was the BEST Christmas present ever and you can't find it under a tree or put a price on it!
And for the OTHER BEST PRESENT that WAS UNDER MY TREE tonight...well....

(That's what Lola calls the tree!)
Humbled to be called, "mom"!
