For the past few years, Popaw Dennis has treated the guys to a day out at Entertrainment Junction...this year the ladies were invited too! ;-) (For the record..I think the guys were afraid to try to take the 6 kids by themselves this year. lol. JK!!)
We met up at our favorite diner in downtown Cincy.

The Grandies
Aren't they handsome? Best seats in the house!
Then we were off to see the trains!
Derek and Lolee
We began with two guys acting out "A Christmas Carol" and Tiny Tim was NONE OTHER than...
our Bryson Quinn!!

These three crack me up!

Lily Hope had a ball!! She LOVED this train!
Here are Momaw and Popaw with their clan!
Popaw topped off the day by treating us to Graeter's ice-cream! Yum!!
Thank you Momaw and Popaw for an amazing day!