We decided to allow the boys to have a friend over to spend the night over the Holiday weekend. We rarely get to do this as Doug's work schedule is crazy, but we took advantage of this opportunity and had a blast!!!
The boys planned to play Flag Football. It was a blast watching them!
Team Red!

Team Yellow

I love this pic of Doug! He really gets into it!
lol! Baby, you've still got it!

Game on!

I love their faces in this pic!
Keegan and Cole are smiling, and
Bryson is serious!

This boy can kick it!

What a crew!

Later we headed down back for

Even Lola Joy was there. No
S'mores for you yet!

Fun at home!

I almost waited too long to get this one. Looks like
Bry might drop at any moment! oops!

My sweeties!!!

Mommy's little helper!

We had SUCH an enjoyable weekend! It was
SOO nice to have an extra day off with my kiddos and spend some quality time with my family. What a blessing they are to me.