I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to be HOME. The flight home was... LOOONG. :-) Our little princess wasn't sleepy..hee hee..soo...she was awake all but 2 hrs. and 50 min. of 22 hours of flying and layovers..etc. ha. She was an angel though and played and giggled and snuggled. Needless to say, Doug and I were exhausted from entertaining, but nothing matters now..all is forgotten..well almost. And we're sooo happy to be home. As we arrived in Louisville our hearts were pounding with anxious excitement to see our family and friends. We caught a glimpse of our 3 kiddos waiting for us and the tears began. It was such a SWEET homecoming. Here are some pics Doug took. sorry, they're not great, but it's all I have until I can steal some from someone else. :-)
Big brother Bryson holding little Hopie.
Brennan was next.

And finally, the new big sis, Lola Joy held her partner in crime.:-)

Finally!!!! All four kiddos together!!!!!
Stanley..party of SIX!!!
This is how Bryson felt about us being home that night...priceless!!!
Once home, life began for us and we are beginning to start our new normal. Sat. we had two basketball games. It was interesting trying to watch my girls while Doug was coaching and the boys were playing ball. Thanks to some of the bball Moms for the helping hands!!! We went to church on Sunday. It was so nice to be back in the house of the Lord. Thanks to our sweet church family for all of the prayers and love. We are so blessed. Monday morning the boys were off to school.:-( I don't feel like I've had enough time with them, but then again, I never do. :-( They're growing up so fast. So, the girls and I tackled our first day by ourselves as Daddy went back to work. shew. I did it. And I was EXHAUSTED!! ha!
Sweet Sisters!

I took the girls in the stroller for a little walk. Lily was out in no time. All she needed was her thumb!

How is everyone sleeping? Sleep?? What's that?? Ha! Well, hmm..we play musical beds..again..(we did this with the boys too). The girls do acrobats while sleeping. Ha. They turn in cirlces and flip and flop. It's definitely a hoot.
And finally, the new big sis, Lola Joy held her partner in crime.:-)
Finally!!!! All four kiddos together!!!!!
Here are some pics of the girls while the guys are away.
We love our new puzzle Cheddar..thanks!:-)
I took the girls in the stroller for a little walk. Lily was out in no time. All she needed was her thumb!
How is everyone sleeping? Sleep?? What's that?? Ha! Well, hmm..we play musical beds..again..(we did this with the boys too). The girls do acrobats while sleeping. Ha. They turn in cirlces and flip and flop. It's definitely a hoot.
How are the boys doing? They are the most amazing big brothers and sons we could ever pray for. They help in any and every way possible and totally blow me away with their love, compassion, and consideration for others. They will make some amazing husbands and Dad's someday. I'm just sayin'!:-)
How is Lola adjusting to Lily? Lola Joy is the most thoughtful big sis. She gets them matching toys. One for you, one for me. She gets me food for Lily, sippy cups, toys, etc. She smiles and adoringly talks about her sister. So far. :-) Lily watches everything Lola Joy does. They are precious together.
What does Lily think of her new home/family? Lily seems to be happy now that she is home. She loves to crawl all around our house and explore all of the new things around her. As for her family? She has the BEST extended family, brothers and sister and friends..that's for sure. She has taken to all of them! She allows the boys to carry her all over the house. And her Daddy and I are smitten with her. We want to do everything we can to help her become the beautiful creation God intended her to be. We are praying for healing for her heart and mind from the things she's had to endure in her first year of life. We aren't perfect people, or perfect parents. We are praying for Wisdom and Guidance from our God to mold us and make us and USE US for HIS GLORY. We do not know what the future holds for Lily Hope, but she now has a HOPE and a FUTURE because of our Lord and his compassion for the Fatherless. He set the lonely in our hearts for her...and for Lola Joy..and right now...
our hearts are FULL!
The Stanley Family
We would like to thank everyone who made the long drive to Louisville to welcome us home. I know it was difficult to work out getting there, but it meant the world to us to be welcomed home by the BEST FAMILY AND FRIENDS in the WORLD!!! We love you guys!!!!