Just a quick post today. Just wanted to let you know we made it to Guangzhou. Woo hoo! Lily did so great on the flight! What a joy she has been! We love that we are getting to see her silly side! She was laughing so hard on the flight. Adorable! We traveled to The White Swan hotel. This hotel usually hosts many adoptive families. We walked around to check it out and ...the outside looks like paradise! The pool area is incredible and Bren and Bry..they have palm trees!!:-) Tomorrow we have Lily's medical examination along with the other families in our group. I am dreading this day for her. :-( Please say a prayer for her. Sorry there are no pics...but I will post some soon!
Thanks again for all the love and prayers. You guys are the best!!
Amy Shares Chapel Message
1 year ago
Yeah! So glad you all made it safe & sound, hearing Lily got tickled on the plane got me tickled. Cooper loved, loved to fly, isn't that wild. Praying for her visit to the doctor. Can't wait to see more pictures, especially the Red Couch pics. the kids ask every day to see your pictures just like they did with LJ. So happy another one of God's children is with their FOREVER family!
I'm glad you guys made it safe. And I love hearing that Lily was laughing on the plane. Glad she liked it. That makes it much easier:) Have a great day!
Yeh! Enjoy the beauty at the Swan! Jules don't worry about the medical exam. SUPER easy! Sweet Lily has already has lots of experience with doctors but this won't be like those. Measurements, weights, sqeaky toys for hearing...I'm so happy for you! You're almost in the home stretch!
Thankful you guys had an easy trip. I would LOVE to hear that baby's laugh, like in a video or something, hint hint. LOL! ;o)
Praying for an easy visit at the Dr.'s and that you guys have a BLAST in Guangzhou! Love y'all!
Glad you made it and can't wait to hear that laugh!! Try to enjoy the 'paradise' and the precious alone time with Lily Hope! Just think...this time next week you will be coming home! Can't wait!!:))
We are so happy for your family. She is beautiful. How wonderful that she did well on the plane ride and that you all arrived safe. You have such a beautiful family, two handsome boys and two beautiful girls. I can't wait to meet her.
Praying for your safe return home, Tammy Kenner
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